New Zealand Work Visa for Indians: Application Process & Tips

If you’re an Indian looking to work in New Zealand, you’re in the right place! In this article, I’ll provide you with all the essential information you need to know about obtaining a New Zealand Work Visa for Indians. From the application process to the requirements, I’ve got you covered.

New Zealand offers a range of work visa options for Indians, making it an attractive destination for those seeking employment opportunities abroad. Whether you’re a skilled professional, a student looking for work experience, or an entrepreneur wanting to start a business, there’s a visa category that suits your needs.

Types of New Zealand Work Visa for Indians:

When it comes to work visas for New Zealand, there are several options available for Indians. These visa categories cater to different individuals based on their skills, qualifications, and aspirations.

work visa on new zealand

Types Of Visa:

  1. Skilled Migrant Category Visa (SMC): This visa is for highly skilled individuals who want to live and work in New Zealand permanently. To be eligible, you need to meet certain criteria, including having a job offer in a skilled occupation, meeting health and character requirements, and scoring enough points in the points-based system.
  2. Essential Skills Work Visa: This visa is for individuals with a job offer from a New Zealand employer. It allows you to work in New Zealand for a specific employer and in a specific occupation. The duration of the visa depends on the length of your job offer and your skills level.
  3. Specific Purpose Work Visa: This visa is for individuals who have a specific purpose to work in New Zealand for a limited period. Examples of specific purposes include working on a specific project, attending a conference or event, or participating in a cultural exchange program.
  4. Work to Residence Visa: This visa is a pathway to New Zealand residency for skilled workers. It allows you to work in New Zealand temporarily with the opportunity to apply for residency after a certain period.
  5. Entrepreneur Work Visa: This visa is for individuals who want to start a business in New Zealand. It allows you to work in New Zealand while establishing and running your own business. To be eligible, you need to have a minimum capital investment and meet other requirements related to your business plan.
  6. Post-study Work Visa: This visa is for international students who have completed their studies in New Zealand. It allows you to work in New Zealand for a specific period, depending on the level of your qualification.

Skilled Migrant Category Visa:

The Skilled Migrant Category Visa is one of the most popular work visas for Indians in New Zealand. It is designed for skilled individuals who want to live and work in New Zealand permanently. This visa category is points-based, meaning that applicants are assessed based on factors such as age, education, work experience, and English language skills.

To be eligible for the Skilled Migrant Category Visa, applicants must meet a minimum points threshold. The current threshold is 160 points, but this may vary depending on the demand for certain skills in New Zealand. Meeting the minimum points requirement does not guarantee approval, as there are other factors that immigration authorities consider.

Key benefits of the Skilled Migrant Category Visa:

One of the key benefits of the Skilled Migrant Category Visa is the ability to live and work in New Zealand permanently. This means that individuals can enjoy the lifestyle and opportunities that New Zealand has to offer for the long term. Additionally, visa holders may be eligible to include their partner and dependent children in their application.

It’s important to note that the Skilled Migrant Category Visa requires a thorough assessment of an individual’s qualifications and work experience. This assessment is conducted by Immigration New Zealand, and applicants must provide evidence to support their claims. This can include educational certificates, employment letters, and language test results.

Overall, the Skilled Migrant Category Visa is a great option for skilled Indians who want to make New Zealand their permanent home. However, it’s crucial to carefully review the eligibility criteria and gather the necessary documentation before submitting an application.

Essential Skills Work Visa:

The Essential Skills Work Visa is another type of New Zealand Work Visa for Indians who want to work. This visa is designed for individuals who have a job offer from a New Zealand employer.

To be eligible for the Essential Skills Work Visa, you must meet certain criteria, such as having the necessary qualifications, skills, and experience required for the job. You must also demonstrate that there are no New Zealanders available to fill the position.

The Essential Skills Work Visa is usually granted for a specific period of time, depending on the duration of the job offer. It allows you to work in New Zealand temporarily and may be valid for up to 5 years, depending on your situation.

It’s important to note that the Essential Skills Work Visa is tied to your employer. If you decide to change jobs, you will need to apply for a new visa. However, if you have been working in New Zealand for 2 years or more on an Essential Skills Work Visa, you may be eligible for a variation of this visa that allows you to change employers without applying for a new visa.

It’s crucial to fully understand the requirements and conditions of the Essential Skills Work Visa before considering applying for it. Seeking professional advice and guidance can help ensure a smooth application process and increase your chances of success.

Remember, obtaining a work visa is just the first step towards living and working in New Zealand. It’s important to familiarize yourself with the country’s culture, job market, and lifestyle to make the most of your experience. So, if you have any further questions or doubts, do not hesitate to reach out to immigration experts or browse credible sources for more information.

Work to Residence Visa:

work visa on new zealand for indians

The Work to Residence Visa is another option for Indians who are interested in working in New Zealand. This visa category provides a pathway for individuals to transition from temporary work to permanent residence in the country. Let me explain more about this visa category.

How does it work?

The Work to Residence Visa is divided into two subcategories: the Talent (Accredited Employer) Work Visa and the Long Term Skill Shortage List Work Visa.

The Talent (Accredited Employer) Work Visa is designed for individuals who have a job offer from an accredited employer in New Zealand. To be eligible for this visa, the employer must be accredited by Immigration New Zealand and meet specific criteria. This visa allows you to work for the accredited employer for up to 30 months. After working for the accredited employer for at least 24 months, you may be eligible to apply for residence under the Residence from Work category.

The Long Term Skill Shortage List Work Visa, on the other hand, is for individuals who have a job offer in an occupation that is in demand in New Zealand. The occupation must be listed on the Long Term Skill Shortage List, which includes professions such as healthcare, engineering, and trades. This visa allows you to work for the employer who has offered you the job for up to 30 months. After working in New Zealand for at least 24 months, you may be eligible to apply for residence under the Residence from Work category.

Benefits of the Work to Residence Visa:

  • It provides a pathway to permanent residence, allowing you to live and work in New Zealand indefinitely.
  • You have the opportunity to gain valuable work experience in New Zealand, which can enhance your career prospects both in New Zealand and internationally.
  • You can enjoy the benefits of living in a country known for its stunning landscapes, outdoor activities, and high quality of life.
  • This visa category also allows your partner and dependent children to join you in New Zealand.

Study to Work Visa:

If you’re an Indian student considering studying in New Zealand, you’ll be glad to know that there is a pathway for you to transition from studying to working in the country. The Study to Work Visa is designed specifically for international students who have completed their studies and want to gain work experience in New Zealand.

Things to know about the Study to Work Visa:

  1. Eligibility: To be eligible for a Study to Work Visa, you must have completed a qualification that meets the requirements set by Immigration New Zealand. This could be a diploma, degree, or postgraduate qualification. It’s important to note that not all courses and qualifications are eligible, so it’s essential to check the official immigration website for the latest information.
  2. Post-Study Work Rights: With a Study to Work Visa, you can work in any job in New Zealand for up to three years after completing your studies. This gives you the opportunity to gain valuable work experience and explore career opportunities in your field of study.
  3. Partner and Dependent Children: One of the great advantages of the Study to Work Visa is that it allows you to bring your partner and dependent children to New Zealand. They will also be eligible to work and study in the country, providing them with opportunities for personal and professional growth.
  4. Pathway to Residence: The Study to Work Visa can also serve as a stepping stone towards permanent residence in New Zealand. If you secure a skilled job during your visa validity period and meet certain criteria, you may be eligible to apply for a resident visa through the Skilled Migrant Category.

It’s worth noting that the Study to Work Visa is subject to certain conditions and requirements. It’s essential to carefully review the official immigration guidelines and seek professional advice to ensure you meet all the necessary criteria.

Entrepreneur Work Visa:

If you’re an Indian looking to start your own business in New Zealand, the Entrepreneur Work Visa might be the perfect option for you. This visa allows you to work in your own business and eventually apply for residence in New Zealand.

To be eligible for the Entrepreneur Work Visa, you must meet certain criteria:

  • Have a minimum capital investment of NZD $100,000.
  • Have a viable business plan that meets the requirements set by Immigration New Zealand.
  • Demonstrate that your business will provide benefits to New Zealand’s economy or society.
  • Show that you have the necessary business experience and skills to successfully operate the business.
  • Provide evidence of your English language proficiency.

Once you receive the Entrepreneur Work Visa, you’ll be granted an initial 12-month work visa to establish and run your business. After this period, if you can demonstrate that your business is on track and meeting the requirements, you can apply for a further extension of up to 24 months. During this time, you can work in your business and work towards meeting the conditions for residence.

One of the advantages of the Entrepreneur Work Visa is that it allows you to bring your partner and dependent children to New Zealand. Your partner will be eligible to work in any job, and your children will have the opportunity to study in New Zealand.

It’s important to note that the Entrepreneur Work Visa application process is thorough and requires you to provide evidence and documentation to support your application. Seeking professional advice and assistance can be beneficial to ensure that you meet all the requirements and increase your chances of success.

Requirements for Indian Applicants:

When applying for a work visa in New Zealand, Indian applicants need to meet specific requirements set by the New Zealand immigration authorities. These requirements are designed to ensure that individuals have the necessary skills, experience, and resources to contribute to the New Zealand economy and integrate successfully into the local community. Here are the key requirements for Indian applicants:

1. Valid Passport:

First and foremost, Indian applicants need to have a valid passport. It is essential to ensure that the passport is valid for the entire duration of the intended stay in New Zealand. Additionally, the passport must have at least three months validity beyond the planned date of departure from New Zealand.

2. Job Offer:

To obtain a work visa, Indian applicants must have a genuine job offer from a New Zealand employer. The job offer must be for a skilled position that aligns with the applicant’s qualifications and experience. Moreover, the job offer must meet the requirements of the specific work visa category being applied for.

3. Skills and Qualifications:

Indian applicants need to demonstrate that they have the skills and qualifications required for the job they are being offered. This may involve providing evidence of relevant education, training, or work experience. In certain cases, Indian applicants may need to have their qualifications assessed by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) to ensure compatibility with New Zealand standards.

4. Health and Character Requirements:

All Indian applicants must meet the health and character requirements set by New Zealand immigration authorities. This involves undergoing a medical examination and obtaining police clearance certificates from all countries where they have lived for 12 months or more since turning 17.

5. Sufficient Funds:

Indian applicants need to demonstrate that they have sufficient funds to support themselves during their stay in New Zealand. This may include providing evidence of bank statements, employment contracts, or financial sponsorship.

Application Process:

When applying for a work visa in New Zealand, Indian applicants need to follow a specific application process. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you navigate through the process smoothly:

  1. Prepare your documents: Start by ensuring that you have all the necessary documents ready for your application. These may include your valid passport, a genuine job offer from a New Zealand employer, evidence of your skills and qualifications, and proof of your funds to support yourself during your stay.
  2. Submit your application: Once you have gathered all the required documents, it’s time to submit your application. You can do this online through the New Zealand Immigration website or by mail. Make sure to complete all the necessary forms accurately and provide all the requested information.
  3. Pay the application fee: There is an application fee that needs to be paid when submitting your work visa application. The fee varies depending on the type of visa you are applying for, so be sure to check the current fee schedule on the immigration website.
  4. Wait for a decision: After submitting your application and paying the fee, you will need to wait for a decision from the immigration authorities. The processing time can vary, so it’s important to be patient during this stage.
  5. Attend an interview (if required): In some cases, you may be called for an interview as part of the application process. If this happens, make sure to attend the interview at the designated time and place. Be prepared to answer questions about your qualifications, job offer, and intentions in New Zealand.
  6. Receive your work visa: Once your application is approved, you will receive your work visa. It will be attached to your passport or issued separately as a visa label or eVisa.


Applying for a work visa in New Zealand as an Indian applicant can be a straightforward process if you meet the specific requirements and follow the application process diligently. By having a valid passport, obtaining a genuine job offer, demonstrating your skills and qualifications, meeting health and character requirements, and having sufficient funds, you can increase your chances of a successful application.

Remember to consult with an immigration consultant or lawyer who can provide expert guidance and assistance throughout the process. They can help ensure that you have all the necessary documents prepared, guide you through the application submission and payment process, and offer support during any interviews that may be required.

With careful preparation and attention to detail, you can navigate the New Zealand Work Visa for Indians application process confidently and increase your chances of securing a work visa to pursue your career goals in this beautiful country. Good luck with your application!

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